Brian d’Souza - Plant Music

Brian d’Souza (Auntie Flo)
is an award-winning sound artist, DJ, music producer and live performer. He’ll be appearing at Kilele with the Auntie Flo band for the final showcase, but will also be gracing our workshop programme with his focus on Plant Music as a part of our Ecology stream.

His compositions fuse field recording from around the globe with electro-acoustic production techniques to create ‘acoustic ecologies’ that are centred on exploring the psychological and physical benefits of sound.

A State Of Flo - his blog and record label is an exploration into the biological and ecological basis for music. It achieves this by releasing music which incorporates sounds from the natural world with cutting edge technology and new formats. A State Of Flo supports the environmental charity Earth Percent. Its first release, Mycorrhizal Fungi, incorporated the sounds of various fungi and was featured on the BBC, New Scientist, Glastonbury Festival, Tate Modern and more.

Brian currently runs Swell Studio, a company focussed on digital sound therapy within the health and well-being space.


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