There are several ways to get involved with Santuri, whether you are an artist, organisation, or an interested individual. 

We are a social enterprise, and have previously relied only on project funding from institutional donors such as Goethe-Institut, HIVOS, Pro Helvetia and the Dutch Embassy. However, to continue the work without gaps or downtime, we are transitioning into a business model that needs support from you - the music-loving community.

Please continue reading to find a way you can support Santuri to keep delivering impactful projects to the East African creative community.

If you would like to directly support our work and mission, head over here and become a Patreon. As a Patreon, you get access to perks such as free merchandise, as well as advanced news and content from the Santuri team. You’ll also be a hero forever.︎

If you are in East Africa, you can also contribute directly via
M-PESA Paybill.

Paybill Number: 4054299

Account Number: Donate
If you are an organisation, collective, media outlet, or angel investor 😇, reach out to anytime!

Volunteer !

Do you feel you could bring something to the Santuri team? Please get in touch for volunteering opportunities.



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©2023 Santuri East Africa