
There is no experience necessary for our beginner course, just a passion for music and the desire to learn. Successfully completing this course equips new producers with the skills and knowledge to start their journey of music making and creative expression with the Santuri ethos of community, collaboration and innovation.


Students are taken through modules on mixing and mastering, innovative music production techniques and performance skills, the cultural and sub-cultural contexts of electronic music, digital distribution, copyright, and career development. 


The course offers producers with experience an opportunity to take their music to a new level – from experimental production techniques, building live performances, advanced mixing approaches and developing release strategies.

Feedback from the advanced music production course: 

“I have to admit, I learnt more in a span of 6 weeks than all my previous experience in music production. This program has been a game changer to me and my music journey. I really appreciate all the tutors and the staff for their time, knowledge, patience and passion. I'm really proud of myself and more confident now about my art.”

The program has changed how I think about sound as a whole. I feel like it led me to take a step back from what I already knew about music production, from the approaches I was already used to and to reconsider, reimagine, and relearn what sound is in general. (...) It also made me even more passionate about sound design. From building my own sounds, to making my own presets on VSTs. I just have a whole new range of possibilities in my mind when I think about making music now.”

Feedback from the beginner music production course: 

“I'm more inspired and confident in myself and it's become easier to translate musical ideas into projects.” 

“Not only do I know 'how to do', I now also know 'what to do'. Having experienced teachers from the industry completely changed my approach to music and creating as a whole. The class on 'Experimental Music' was the most impactful.”

“I've been exposed to the most talented individuals I've ever met, which in turn has taught me a lot and has truly become an inspiration.”

It was incredibly inspiring! I felt the community enhanced my work.”

“It has been an amazing, amazing journey. It still baffles me that I’ve been able to garner all this knowledge in a little more than three

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The formation of Santuri Electronic Music Academy was supported by Goethe-Institut's Jenga CCI on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in collaboration with the GIZ.



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